jQuery.serializeAnything : Serialize anything (and not just forms!)

Code snippet I found somewhere in my archive: jQuery.serializeAnything() is a jQuery Extension that serializes any element you specify, in contrast to jQuery’s builtin serialize() function which is limited to serializing form elements only.

Firebug 1.2 vs Firefox 2 : Fixing the 'console is not defined' error

Getting some ‘console is not defined‘ errors in Firefox 2 with Firebug 1.2.0? Don’t worry, as it turns out that’s by design. The trick is to issue a window.loadFirebugConsole(); in your Javascript before using the console. Thanks for mentioning it on the list, John! 🙂

Backdropping jQuery functions into PrototypeJS

One of the functions I use quite regularly when working with jQuery is .attr(). Right now – at work – I’m fiddling around in Prototype, and noticed I kept on writing .attr() which – quite evidently – doesn’t exist. Okay, I can use Prototype’s .readAttribute() and .writeAttribute() but that’s quite a hassle: I want one …

TinyMCE : hooking onto the resize event

Out of the box TinyMCE supports a nice set of events which you can trace via the handle_event_callback Callback. Amongst a few you can externally hook onto the mousedown, mouseup, click, keypress, keydown, keyup, etc. events. Very nice, yet I was missing one from the list of supported events: the resize event.

PS_BRAMUS.TextExport 1.3 – Automatically export all Text layers from Photoshop PSD to a Text file (PSD2TXT)

Colleague Johan asked whether someone could knock up a script which exports all text layers from a Photoshop document to a text file (viz. a PSD2TXT tool/script), enabling one to slice even faster than he already can. Last week I released the first version of the script (v 1.2), now it’s time for an update. …