PS_BRAMUS.TextExport 1.2 – Automatically export all Text layers from Photoshop PSD to a Text file

Colleague Johan asked whether someone could knock up a script which exports all text layers from a Photoshop document to a text file. Since I’ve scripted Photoshop before (heck, I even steered Photoshop from within C#) it was no biggie for me to knock up a simple script, which I dubbed TextExport

Javascript html_entity_decode

Dirty, but it works 😛 function html_entity_decode(str) { var ta = document.createElement(“textarea”); ta.innerHTML=str.replace(/</g,”&lt;”).replace(/>/g,”&gt;”); toReturn = ta.value; ta = null; return toReturn; } Did this help you out? Like what you see?Consider donating. I don’t run ads on my blog nor do I do this for profit. A donation however would always put a smile on …

Native CSS selector system to look up DOM nodes hits Webkit/Safari

Many javascript libraries have implemented functions to use the powerful CSS selector system to look up DOM nodes. Continuing the trend of standardizing and speeding up commonly used functionality from these libraries, WebKit now has support for the new W3C Selectors API, which consists of the querySelector and querySelectorAll methods. Sweet! 🙂 Native CSS selector …