
Looks like Delicious has been overhauled, again. Looks better at first sight, yet one issue I can’t wrap my head around is that, when adding a link, tags — the essence of Delicious — have been banished to the sidebar, where they used to be the second field in the form before. Also, autocompletion on …

Yummy v2.2

A quick mention that I’ve provided Yummy with an update to work with exports made via the new (and broken) Delicious. The update still supports old exports made. Next to breaking stuff like the API, or leaving users with only a few of their links, no longer supporting tag autocompletion, etc. the exported list of …

The New Delicious

Today the new Delicious has landed. Along a visual refresh, they’ve also introduced a concept named stacks The stacks allow one to tell a story, a trend I see popping up in many of the services we know and use: Gowalla has shifted towards stories, Facebook soon will tell “The story of your life”, services …

Introducing always went along with the tagline “Days in the Life of a Geezer named Bramus!” As of last week this is no more as this site doesn’t fully track my online trail as – next to this blog – I’m blogging on Nieuw in Gent, tweeting all day long, uploading pics to flickr, bookmarking …

BRAMUS.IN.SPIRE.US – Bookmarklet to visualizing your’d sites

I myself am a huge fan … the handiness of tagging sites I’ve seen over at work and checking back that list at home just does it for me. Above that it’s darn handy to finding back a site by just typing in some keywords (that flash site with the green background most likely …