TinyMCE CSS Classes and IDs Plugin : bramus_cssextras 0.5.0 hits the net!

Huzzah! bramus_cssextras 0.5.0 has been released! No new features have been added, yet this version differs a lot from the previously released versions of bramus_cssextras: Under the hood bramus_cssextras has been totally rewritten to make it TinyMCE 3.0 compatible.

TinyMCE 3.0 in the works!

From a pure feature point of view, this release might not be very impressive, but if you are interested in JavaScript and do a lot of custom development, this is the release you have been waiting for. One of the main focuses for the new 3.x branch is to produce a more powerful API and …

My TinyMCE Bugfix

As you might have noticed I have been am using TinyMCE quite intensively throughout most of the projects I create and maintain. Working a lot with such a nice piece of code will undoubtedly bring forward certain limitations and/or bugs. Today I stumbled upon quite a big one (and not only in today’s 2.1.0 release, …

My TinyMCE File Management : Spinoff 1 : PHP file uploads

I have been writing on how to handle files for use with TinyMCE in the past (Part 1 & Part 2). Before continuing the series I feel like writing a more general post on the subject, as this will give insight in the how and why later on. Having experimented with file uploads myself in …