Javascript Game Development – The Game Loop

One of the most important parts of a game engine is the so called “game loop”. It is the central piece of the game’s engine and is responsible for trying to balance running a game’s logic, and executing its drawing operations This article explains on how to create such a game loop yourself, without blocking …

jQAPI – Alternative jQuery Documentation

The jQuery documentation is great, very complete, nicely written and with a lot of examples and demos. The only thing that bugs me is the way we have to find the right documentation for what we search for. Try to search for the .is() function for example. Over 100 matches before the actual function I …

RE: Rounded corners on images, CSS-only

Rounded corners are hot. They have been for a long time and still are. Recently things got a whole lot easier due to the fact that lots of browsers started supporting (their vendor specific prefixed version of) border-radius. One of the problems with it is that border-radius cannot be used on images. Tim Van Damme …

The lazy programmer at work: _eoo and your Javascript Objects

I admit: I’m a lazy programmer. If there’s anything I can do to reduce code, I’m in. Above that: if there’s anything I can do to avoid mistakes and errors, I’m in too. In order to have less errors/mistakes whilst whipping up some Javascript Objects I’ve created a little trick: the use of the _eoo …

Accessing data saved in the class property of DOM-elements with jQuery

Use of this plugin is not recommended anymore. Use data-* attributes and $ instead. This was a possible solution, a long time ago. A few weeks ago former colleague Jurriaan wrote a PrototypeJS extension to accessing data stored within classes of HTML elements. Basically it comes down to assigning extra classes (classes such as gender_male …

Learning Ext JS

A week ago I was contacted by Packt Publishing to review their new book Learning Ext JS. Having worked with Ext JS a few times (Mainly whilst helping develop Fork CMS), I’ve only scraped the surface of the possibilities so far and therefore am looking forward to receiving the book in my mailbox. In the …

Accuracy of JavaScript Time

John Resig does some extensive tests after noticing some odd behavior in JS speedtests and notes his findings: Effectively these browsers (IE, Opera, Safari, and WebKit Nightly – all on XP/Vista) are only updating their internal getTime representations every 15 milliseconds. This means that if you attempt to query for an updated time it’ll always …

PS_BRAMUS.TextConvert: PSD2TXT and TXT2PSD for the masses!

What if you could extract all text strings from a PSD file into a TXT file? Sure, it’s possible, thanks to PS_BRAMUS.TextExport, the PSD2TXT script I wrote a few months ago. Now, what if you wanted to do that in the opposite direction and import strings from a TXT file into a PSD file (viz. …