Thomas Byttebier, after having joined a digital team at Base a while ago: It’s been a crazy six months. And in all honesty: I struggled. I struggled with process. I struggled with communication. I struggled with clients. Front end was too far from design and content only arrived when a project was nearly live. As …
Tag Archives: prototype
Ratchet — Prototype iPhone apps with simple HTML, CSS and JS components.
The Messy Art Of UX Sketching
Although starting a prototype on a computer is sometimes easier, it’s not the best way to visually problem-solve. When you need to ideate website layouts or mobile applications or to storyboard workflows and context scenarios, sketching is much more efficient. It keeps you from getting caught up in the technology, and instead focuses you on …
Arc Touch Mouse
Barcamp Ghent
Backdropping jQuery functions into PrototypeJS
One of the functions I use quite regularly when working with jQuery is .attr(). Right now – at work – I’m fiddling around in Prototype, and noticed I kept on writing .attr() which – quite evidently – doesn’t exist. Okay, I can use Prototype’s .readAttribute() and .writeAttribute() but that’s quite a hassle: I want one …
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