As I tend to forget this all the time, a note to myself (again): substr() takes 2 parameters: start and length. substring() takes 2 parameters: start and stop. Subtle difference, yet a great impact.
Tag Archives: javascript
JavaScript substrings : the difference between
My Maintenance : jsProgressBarHandler 0.2.1
My Javascript (non-AJAX) Progress / Percentage Bar : jsProgressBarHandler 0.2
TinyMCE CSS Classes and IDs Plugin : bramus_cssextras 0.5.0 hits the net!
TinyMCE CSS Classes and IDs Plugin : bramus_cssextras 0.5.0 in the works
Tonight I’ve been working on bramus_cssextras 0.5.0, a rewrite of bramus_cssextras which will make bramus_cssextras compatible with TinyMCE 3.0. The update isn’t finished yet (neither is Tiny3 :P), but it’s shaping up nicely thanks to the extensive articles found on the TinyMCE Wiki. If you’re planning on writing some TinyMCE 3.0 plugins yourself, I suggest …
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DateJS, Javascript Date Library
My Release Day – flashLightBoxInjector 1.2
I seem to be in a development mood today. After having released bramus_cssextras 0.4.1 earlier today I load upon thee a new version of flashLightBoxInjector, bumping it to version 1.2. Not much has changed since the previous version (1.1), except for the addition of a prependElement function and the addition of a new ass-kicking “Flash …
Continue reading “My Release Day – flashLightBoxInjector 1.2”
TinyMCE CSS Classes and IDs Plugin : bramus_cssextras 0.4.1 released!
bramus_cssextras has made it to version 0.4.1! This version holds one major bugfix where bramus_cssextras wasn’t able to load multiple CSS files set through content_css (Thanks to Martin for notifying me!) and a minor improvement so that classes applicable on an element are only shown once in the dropdown even if they’re specified multiple times …
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My TinyMCE MCFileManager/MCImageManager trick: When media is file, not image (or vice versa)
At work (I switched fulltime jobs a little while ago, remember?) we use MCFileManager and MCImageManager as the file- and imagemanager for TinyMCE. The former – quite obviously – handles files and the latter images … but what about media (flash, quicktime, etc.)? At work MCImageManager popped up for managing media, yet we wanted MCFileManager …
TinyMCE 3.0 in the works!
From a pure feature point of view, this release might not be very impressive, but if you are interested in JavaScript and do a lot of custom development, this is the release you have been waiting for. One of the main focuses for the new 3.x branch is to produce a more powerful API and …