Pngy – Load images based on network connection speed

Pngy is a bit of jQuery that allows you to load images of different file sizes based on a page’s load speed. So, if the load speed is slow, Pngy can load your small image. If it’s fast, it can load a hi-res image. It’s kinda like a ping test in Javascript. Resonates with my …

JavaScript Design Patterns – An Updated Free Book For Developers

Over the past year or so I’ve been actively trying to encourage more developers to invest time in learning about the benefits of design patterns and how they can be applied to JavaScript. To help with this, I wrote a book on the topic which I released for free. Learning JavaScript Design Patterns → Learning …

The case against localStorage

Christian Heilmann on localStorage: We have to stop advocating localStorage as a great opportunity for storing data as it performs badly. Sadly enough the alternatives are not nearly as supported or simple to implement. There is no simple solution for local storage → Related: Web Storage Introduction →

jQuery Anystretch

Anystretch is a jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized background image to any page or block level element. The image will stretch to fit the page/element, and will automatically resize as the window size changes. Handy when having a fluid layout/responsive design. Anystretch Demo → Anystretch (GitHub) → UPDATE: Reader Oemebamo pointed …

Pinterest’s div stacking layout algorithm

The number of columns adjusts to fit more/less on browser resize and the vertical stacking is not dependent on adjacent column heights. The source code shows that each div is positioned absolute. I would love to know how to accomplish this. What technology is used to generate’s absolute div stacking layout? →