CSS 3D transformations in Firefox Nightly

Two years after CSS 3D got introduced in Webkit Nightlies: When the first 3D transformations in CSS got support on Webkit browsers people got incredibly excited about them. Now that they have matured we also support 3D CSS in Firefox. Only in Firefox Nightlies for now (Firefox 10). CSS 3D transformations in Firefox Nightly →


animate.css is a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for you to use in your projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and general just-add-water-awesomeness. To use them in your project, simply add the class to the element, or call the animation yourself in your CSS file. The classes and the animations have the …


Transforming elements via Javascript in all browsers at once can be a real pain in the ass (think vendor prefixes). Enter TranformJS: 2D and 3D transforms as regular CSS properties you can set using .css() and animate using .animate() In code that basically means you can now use this: $(‘#test’).animate({ translateY:’+=150′, scale:’+=2′, rotateY: ‘+=’+(2*Math.PI), rotateX: …