Safari 6 and Chrome 21 added vendor-prefixed support for the proposed CSS4 image-set specification. This proposed specification is designed to support displays with different pixel densities (read: retina displays). background-image: url(image.jpg); background-image: -webkit-image-set(url(image.jpg) 1x, url(image@2x.jpg) 2x); /* Also include other prefixed versions of this … */ background-image: image-set(url(image.jpg) 1x, url(image@2x.jpg) 2x); Safari 6 and Chrome …
Tag Archives: css4
CSS4, what can we expect?
The CSS4 Selectors spec has already seen a large number of revisions since level 3. As it is still the first draft of the spec, it will likely change in numerous ways before it becomes a recommendation itself and there are browser implementations. Lets have a quick dig into the draft and see what has …