Single page demoing all the new CSS filter effects (grayscale, sepia, hue-rotate, invert, brightness, contrast, blur, saturate, drop-shadow & opacity). Not to be confused with the legacy IE filter CSS property, which has been deprecated. Use Chrome or IE10 dev preview. CSS Filters Demo →
Tag Archives: css
Convert Photoshop Layer Styles to CSS3 with CSS Hat
IE10 CSS Support
The following W3C draft standard features match these criteria and IE10 now supports them in their unprefixed form: Gradients (CSS Image Values and Replaced Content) CSS Animations CSS Transitions CSS Transforms font-feature-settings property (CSS Fonts) Indexed Database API Timing control for script-based animations (requestAnimationFrame) IE10 also supports the following W3C draft standards in vendor-prefixed form. …
New Twitter Logo in CSS
GPU Accelerated CSS Filters in Chromium
img { -webkit-filter: sepia(100%) contrast(200%) blur(5px); } The current set of supported filters in Chromium include many that are familiar to web developers with image processing experience, such as sepia, saturation, opacity, and blurs. GPU acceleration of these filters brings their performance to the point where they can be used for animating elements in conjunction …
CSS 3D Earth
Proposition to change the prefixing policy
When a browser vendor implements a new css feature, it should support it, from day 1, both prefixed and unprefixed, the two being aliased. If a style sheet contains both prefixed and unprefixed, the last one wins, according to the cascade. Authors should write their style sheets using the unprefixed property, and only add a …
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Opera Mobile Emulator with support for (some) -webkit vendor prefixes
Opera, along with Mozilla, announced at a CSS Working Group meeting that we would support some -webkit prefixes. This is because through our site compatibility work, we have experienced that many authors of (especially mobile) sites only use -webkit prefixed CSS, thereby ignoring other vendor prefixes and not even including an unprefixed equivalent. This leads …
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