Flexbox Holy Albatross with CSS Grid

In succession to The Flebox Holy Albatross, Jonathan Snook wondered if he could recreate it using CSS Grid. ℹ️ To recap, with the Flexbox Holy Albatros a layout goes from either all items stacked next to each other (e.g. all horizontal) to all items stack on top of each other (e.g. all vertical): There’s no …

CSS Logical Properties and Values, the next Step of CSS Evolution

Still in draft, yet already thoroughly supported, is the CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1 Specification, a CSS module which gets me excited. CSS Logical Properties and Values is a module of CSS introducing logical properties and values that provide the ability to control layout through logical, rather than physical, direction and dimension mappings. …

Logical Operations with CSS Variables CSS Custom Properties

Going beyond Binary Conditions for CSS Calculations, Ana Tudor takes it to a whole new level by introducing the logical operations (and, or, nand, nor, not, and xor) to CSS — all built on top of calc() Very often, while using switch variables, I wish I could perform logical operations on them. We don’t have …

text-decoration-* CSS Properties Coming to Firefox

Glad to see this announcement by Mozillian Daniel Holbert: As of today (Sept 12 2019), I’ve turned on support for the CSS properties text-decoration-skip-ink, text-decoration-thickness, and text-underline-offset, on all platforms. As posted before, text-decoration-skip-ink gives you nicer underlines. The other two properties allow one to tweak the position and color of the underline. CSS Tricks …

“Can I email…” – Support tables for HTML and CSS in emails

Can I email is like Can I use but specifically for email: which HTML and CSS features are supported by which mail client? They also provide a scoreboard, ranking mail clients based on their support among the 70 HTML and CSS features listed on Can I email. Can I email… Support tables for HTML and …

RE: Overengineered packages?

ℹ️ This is a reply to Johan Ronsse’s post “Overengineered Packages?”. Be sure to read it first. After having posted about the class-names package, Johan turned to Twitter to state that the package overengineered. In a follow-up blogpost he argues that: At the moment I feel like it’s only invented because of a deeper problem: …

class-names – Conditionally join CSS class names together

One of the packages I’ve been using a lot is classnames, a simple JavaScript utility for conditionally joining classNames together. Recently I stumbled upon @sindresorhus/class-names, a likewise package whose usage is very similar. import classNames from '@sindresorhus/class-names'; // Think of these like props of your React component … const props = { type: 'success', small: …