20 years of Bram.us

Origin story of how bram.us came to be (and more) — a tale about frietkoten, dial-up internet, static HTML, ICQ cracks, a personal blog gradually evolving into a tech blog, … Table of Contents Frietkoten The very first Cyber Frietkot Discovering view-source (1997) Getting started with bramus.be (2001 — 2005) The Middle Ages: Moving to …

What’s New In CSS?

At the excellent Web Directions Hover ’21, Adam Argyle opened with a rad presentation covering all what’s new and upcoming for CSS. From risky and may never be in your browser, to stable and just released yesterday; follow Adam as he strolls through proposals, specs and supporting tools for all the this new CSS hotness. …

Smooth Scrolling Sticky ScrollSpy Navigation

Yesterday evening I was working on a documentation page. The page layout is quite classic, as it consists of a content pane on the left and a sidebar navigation on the right. Looking for a way to make the page less dull I decided to add a few small things to it: Smooth Scrolling when …