Xcode iPhone Simulator location

I keep on forgetting the location of iPhone Simulator.app (I know, you can access it from within XCode, but that’s not always running when developing a website). Placing it here not to forget it anymore (and to find it back via Google): XCODE 4.3 and XCODE 5:/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Applications/iPhone\ Simulator.app XCODE 4/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Applications/iPhone Simulator.app Pro-tip, place a link …

RE: Rounded corners on images, CSS-only

Rounded corners are hot. They have been for a long time and still are. Recently things got a whole lot easier due to the fact that lots of browsers started supporting (their vendor specific prefixed version of) border-radius. One of the problems with it is that border-radius cannot be used on images. Tim Van Damme …

Installing the original Aptana 1.5 PHP Plugin in Aptana 2.0

With the release of Aptana 2.0 the Aptana developers decided to drop their excellent plugin in favor of PDT. The reason behind this move can only be reduced down to huge amounts of alcohol and/or illegal drugs because – one must admit – the PDT plugin is a pure joke. Luckely there is a way …

Removing the Quiz stories from the Facebook homepage

Although it has some quirks such as some missing links, the new Facebook design works for me. One of the things I quite dig is the new homepage, showing me what’s going on in my friends circle. However, there’s a problem with that live-lifestream … some of the info contained (mainly those darn quizzes) is …