Can I Unicode‽ Unicode support across JavaScript engines

Small site by @mathias (who else?) on the Unicode support in browsers their JavaScript engines. Changes in the Unicode Standard can affect the JavaScript language. This page gives concrete examples and tracks which exact Unicode version each browser supports for each feature. What surprises me is that some engines support different Unicode versions per feature. …

Unicode Patterns with <css-doodle />

<css-doodle /> is a web component for drawing patterns with CSS. The component will generate a grid of divs by the rules (plain CSS) inside it. You can easily manipulate those cells using CSS to come up with a graphic pattern or an animated graph. The limit is the limit of CSS itself. Combine <css-doodle …

runes – Unicode-aware JS string splitting with full Emoji support

At Small Town Heroes I’m currently working on a newsreader app built using React Native. On Android (even 7.1.1) we noticed this weird issue where some emojis would render incorrectly when we were applying styling on it using index-based ranges: the range seemed to be off by one, splitting the emoji into its separate bytes. …

Phishing with Unicode Domains

When visiting a domain name containing a Unicode character that visually resembles an ASCII character, your browser will transform the Unicode characters to Punycode in the address bar to prevent homograph attacks. For example: the Cyrillic а (codepoint U+0430) totally looks like the Latin a (codepoint U+0061). When visting brа (with the Cyrillic а in …