Accessing a tweet using only its ID (and without the Twitter API)

See the Pen Twitter Tweet URL Generator by Bramus (@bramus) on CodePen. Today I learned that Twitter totally ignores the username in the “tweet detail route” on their website. This allows you to view details of a (public) tweet when knowing only its ID, without needing to access the Twitter API (which is the default …

When Twitter Refuses to Delete Abusive Tweets …

Shahak Shapira: Over the last months, I reported about 300 hate tweets. Twitter failed to delete most of them, so I sprayed them in front of their office. Nice guerilla action. Hopefully this will now get Twitter’s attention. Sidenote: Dustin Curtis recently tweetranted (ranttweeted?) a few things Twitter could do to improve. Of course the …

The True Story of the “Ellen Selfie”

Talking about The Oscars, the story behind the famous “Ellen Selfie” is quite interesting: From time to time, people ask me how that selfie came to be. It’s a pretty good story of collaboration, partnership and professionalism. And these days, a story with a happy ending is worth telling. Next to collaboration, partnership and professionalism …

A billion dollar gift for Twitter

Anil Dash was asked by Jack Dorsey (CEO of Twitter in case that name doesn’t ring a bell) if they could have a talk to spewing some ideas on fixing Twitter. Anil declined the talk. Instead, he wrote an article on Medium. Jack: I’ll give you this one for free, just because I still have …

Pure CSS Twitter Heart Animation

Ana Tudor has recreated the Twitter Heart Animation in pure CSS: See the Pen no sprite, no JS heart animation – click it! by Ana Tudor (@thebabydino) on CodePen. Easy to follow step-by-step instructions in the original post. The most surprising part – to me – is that the particles are rendered using box-shadow. Recreating …

Getting the actual GIF from a tweet with TWEET2GIF

Twitter supports GIFs (and more recently: longer/bigger GIFs!), yet they render them as MP4 files. So how to get the original GIF? Enter TWEET2GIF: Ever wanted to download that gif that you saw on Twitter? Maybe share it on Facebook or other social networks? You’re at the right place! Just paste in the URL of …

OreillyCover Twitter Bot

In succession to those hilarious The Practical Developer Book Covers, the Twitter bot @OreillyCover has been created by @GNUmanth. It allows you to roll your own book covers by just tweeting at it. Feed the bot tweets using the following format: @OreillyCover /orly {title};{topText};{author} Tweeting @OreillyCover /orly Hanging out on Slack;Being unproductive without feeling guilty …

Too many people have peed in the pool

Stephen Fry, on deactivating his Twitter account: Twitter has become a stalking ground for the sanctimoniously self-righteous who love to second-guess, to leap to conclusions and be offended – worse, to be offended on behalf of others they do not even know. It’s as nasty and unwholesome a characteristic as can be imagined. It doesn’t …