Tame your Service Worker before your Progressive Web App go into the wild

Slidedeck by Maxim Salnikov: With great power comes great responsibility – trivially, but true: I’ll show the examples of how easy the “Progressive” part of the PWA term could become “Regressive”, how to fix this, and how to test our Service Worker before deploying your app. First, we’ll go through the well-known PWA functionality (App …

Mediaqueryless Responsiveness

Slides of the – highly entertaining – talk @Vasilis gave at CSS Day 2016 in which he elaborated on a few techniques he experimented with in order to get responsive-like sites without using any media queries. Some neat tricks include: Calling it “active whitespace” instead of floats getting stacked up 😛 Setting a unit-ed value …

Down the Rabbit Hole: Javascript in Wonderland

Talk by Claudia Hernández, on a few of Javascript’s oddities and (un)expected behaviors: There’s a presentation embedded in this post. View it on Speaker Deck. For a language originally created in 10 days it surely has a lot of quirks and perks many JS developers are unaware of. Sometimes, it might even seem like we …

Mobile Continuous Delivery with a DevOps Mindset

Talk my colleague Patrick Debois gave at Velocityconf 2015. It touches a few of the same things I talked about in From Idea to App (or “How we roll at Small Town Heroes”) in a deeper way, along with a truckload of more information on how we do things at Small Town Heroes. This presentation …

From Idea to App (or “How we roll at Small Town Heroes”)

Earlier this week I was invited to give a guestlecture to the students ICT at Odisee (my former employer, that’s correct), explaining the app development process, how we do certain things at Small Town Heroes, and how we implement QA throughout our process. You can check out the slides embedded below. You might recognize a …