What’s New In CSS?

At the excellent Web Directions Hover ’21, Adam Argyle opened with a rad presentation covering all what’s new and upcoming for CSS. From risky and may never be in your browser, to stable and just released yesterday; follow Adam as he strolls through proposals, specs and supporting tools for all the this new CSS hotness. …

Accessibility in Design Systems

Good slidedeck by Benno Lœwenberg: We all are only sometimes abled. Therefore accessible solutions benefit everybody. Treating accessibility not just as an afterthought to comply with regulations, but as an essential UX factor right from the start can lead to building better products and services. This talk is about how to lay an accessible foundation …

Learning from W3C MiniApps

Recently the W3C announced MiniApps: MiniApp as a new form of mobile application, leveraging both Web technologies (especially CSS and JavaScript) as well as capabilities of native application. I was a bit confused about them at first, and thought they were directly competing with PWAs. Thankfully Thomas Steiner chimed in, referring to a whole presentation …

When in doubt, trust the browser

Presentation by Pieter Beulque, as given at the most recent FronteersBE meetup, in which he builds a Tweet Embed using Web Components’ Custom Elements. As a front-end developer, you’re always confronted with making choices. In this talk I cover the benefits you get for free when considering W3C standards or standard browser API’s instead of …

Demystifying the future of CSS with sparkles of JS

At the recent JSConf.be conference here in Belgium, Ibe Vanmeenen gave a very nice talk introducing Houdini. CSS as a language is at the brink of a great revolution. Once such a closed and magical language, it will open up to you and your creativity in all it's glory. CSS will become an easy to …

V8 internals for JavaScript developers: Arrays

This presentation demonstrates how learning just a little bit about JavaScript engine internals can help you improve the run-time performance of your JavaScript code — not just in V8 specifically, but across all JavaScript engines! A written version is also available.