PunchClock is an in/out tracking app for iOS 7+. It uses a combination of a geo-fence and iBeacon tracking, plus a simple Sinatra backend hosted at Heroku. See who’s in the office and who’s not … automagically. By the folks over at Panic. PunchClock Source (GitHub) →PunchClockServer Source (GitHub) →PunchClock: Fun With iBeacons →
Tag Archives: objective-c
Pop – Extensible iOS and OS X animation library
POPSpringAnimation *anim = [POPSpringAnimation animation]; … [layer pop_addAnimation:anim forKey:@”myKey”]; Pop is an extensible animation engine for iOS and OS X. In addition to basic static animations, it supports spring and decay dynamic animations, making it useful for building realistic, physics-based interactions. It’s a mature and well-tested framework that drives all the animations and transitions in …
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Exploring Google Maps for iOS
The Google Maps SDK for iOS is a powerful framework that makes it easy to add Google Maps to your app and take advantage of other useful Google services, such as geocoding, direction finding, and Google Street View. These free videos from Code School help you get up to speed quickly. You can watch all …
XCode: Quick Look for UIViews
Xcode 5.0 introduced an interesting new feature: Quick Look for variables. Basically, it lets you inspect variables and their contents in a graphical way. Xcode 5.1 improves the feature even further with the addition of debugQuickLookObject. This method allows you to provide quick look content for any of your own classes. A bit like debugDescription …
Damn Vulnerable iOS Application
Damn Vulnerable iOS App (DVIA) is an iOS application that is damn vulnerable. Its main goal is to provide a platform to mobile security enthusiasts/professionals or students to test their iOS penetration testing skills in a legal environment. This application covers all the common vulnerabilities found in iOS applications (following OWASP top 10 mobile risks) …
CocoaPods Tech Talk Video
Bolts Framework: Tasks
[[object saveAsync:obj] continueWithBlock:^id(BFTask *task) { if (task.isCancelled) { // the save was cancelled. } else if (task.error) { // the save failed. } else { // the object was saved successfully. SaveResult *saveResult = task.result; } return nil; }]; Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier. The first …