The Economics of Open Source // Introducing Entropic, a federated package registry

At JSConf EU 2019, CJ Silverio – former CTO at NPM Inc – gave this talk on why a VC-funded private package registry (read: the one ran by NPM Inc) holds many dangers. The JS package commons is in the hands of a for-profit entity. We trust NPM Inc with our shared code, but we …

Optimizing JavaScript packages for tree shaking

Geoffrey Dhuyvetters from madewithlove on how authors of (open source) JavaScript packages can optimize their builds for tree shaking: How do we create a package that exposes both CommonJS & ES modules while making sure we don’t break cross-platform support? Publishing 2 separate packages is an option (e.g. lodash/lodash-es). But there is a nicer, more …

Stealing Usernames, Passwords, and other (Personal) Data via Browsers and NPM Packages

👋 This post also got published on Medium. If you like it, please give it some love a clap over there. Late 2016, Stoyan Stefanov published “Oversharing with the browser’s autofill”. It’s an article on stealing personal data using the browsers their form autofill feature. The attack works by leveraging abusing the fact that autocompletion …

TIP: Enable Two Factor Authentication (2FA) with your NPM account

Since early October it’s possible to enable Two Factor Authentication with your NPM account. 2FA is another layer of defense for your account, preventing third parties from altering your code even if they steal or guess your credentials. This is one of the easiest and most important ways to ensure that only you can access …

Introducing npx: an NPM package runner

Included with npm@5.2.0 is an extra binary named npx: npx is a tool intended to help round out the experience of using packages from the NPM registry — the same way npm makes it super easy to install and manage dependencies hosted on the registry, npx makes it easy to use CLI tools and other executables hosted …

npm v5.0.0

This release marks months of hard work for the young, scrappy, and hungry CLI team, and includes some changes we’ve been hoping to do for literally years. npm@5 takes npm a pretty big step forward, significantly improving its performance in almost all common situations, fixing a bunch of old errors due to the architecture, and …

Faking node_modules in CodePen Projects

Update 2020.11.24: with Skypack being around and CodePen suggesting to rewrite your imports, there’s no need to use this hacky workaround anymore. With CodePen Projects you have a web IDE right in your browser, with preprocessing built-in. But what about installing dependencies via the npm ecosystem? With some minimal effort it’s possible: All you need …

Why I’m excited about Yarn

Today, Facebook – in collaboration with Google and others – released Yarn, a new package manager for JavaScript. Introducing Yarn: a new package manager for JavaScript from @fbOpenSource, @tildeio, @googledevs & @exponentjs. — Yarn (@yarnpkg) October 11, 2016 In comparison to npm, the Yarn website pushes these three main benefits forwards: Speed Reliability Security …

Update package.json dependencies with npm-check-updates

npm-check-updates is a command-line tool that allows you to upgrade your package.json or bower.json dependencies to the latest versions, regardless of existing version constraints. npm-check-updates maintains your existing semantic versioning policies Install it using npm install -g npm-check-updates Then run ncu to check for updates, and run ncu -u to actually update your package.json / …