Automate your release process with 🛳 Ship.js

Interesting work by Algolia, to more easily release new versions of your packages: When releasing, you go through something like the following: Update the version in package.json Update the changelog Actually release it (e.g. yarn build && yarn publish) Create a git tag As such as manual process is prone to errors, they’ve developed 🛳 …

Find the cost of adding a npm package to your bundle with BundlePhobia

Ever wondered what the (size) impact of adding an NPM package to your project is? BundlePhobia is a tool that does not only that, it also recommends you other similar packages that have a lesser load. This thing lets you understand the performance cost of npm install‘ing a new npm package before actually adding it …

Internal classes in PHP

As a (PHP) package developer, you sometimes have classes that are meant for internal use – inside the package itself – only. PHP has no built-in solution for this, but using a DocBlock Tag one can indicate its intended use. As Nuno Maduro explains: Maybe in the future, the PHP language will have the internal …

The Economics of Open Source // Introducing Entropic, a federated package registry

At JSConf EU 2019, CJ Silverio – former CTO at NPM Inc – gave this talk on why a VC-funded private package registry (read: the one ran by NPM Inc) holds many dangers. The JS package commons is in the hands of a for-profit entity. We trust NPM Inc with our shared code, but we …

Selling Composer Packages through “Private Packagist for Vendors”

Nice new addition by Packagist: If you’re selling PHP packages, the easiest way to offer Composer package installation to your customers is now “Private Packagist for Vendors”. You get a unique URL and authentication token for each customer and they can use these in their composer.json file to install your packages. Especially if you’re still …

Private Packagist

Mid-December Nils Adermann – Co-Founder of Packagist Conductors & Creator of Composer for PHP – announced Private Packagist. Being a hosted service, setting up your own Composer package repository on Private Packagist is done with a few clicks. No matter if your private source code is hosted on GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, any of their on-premise …

Composer – Dependency Manager for PHP

Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the dependent libraries your project needs and it will install them in your project for you. Think npm install but then for PHP { “require”: { “monolog/monolog”: “1.2.*” } } $ composer install Plays nice with packages that support PSR-0 autoloading. …