Batch install dependencies in all subfolder-organised projects

As a lecturer ICT I have to correct the work our students make. Therefor I collect all solutions and put them in a subfolder-organised structure on disk: per student I create a subfolder and put their solution into that folder(*). $ tree -L 1 . ├── student1 ├── student2 ├── … └── studentN As – …

QR Code Terminal

qrcode-terminal is a tiny npm module that allows you to encode text as a QR code and render it to a UNIX-compatible terminal. // render QR code to the console qrcode.generate(‘’); // return QR code as a string qrcode.generate(‘’, function (qrcode) { console.log(qrcode); }); QR Code Terminal →

Cordova client tool

The command line tool to build, deploy and manage Cordova-based applications. Once installed — via npm — you get to do stuff like this: cordova create ~/KewlApp cd ~/KewlApp cordova platform add ios cordova platform add android cordova plugin add cordova build Great to see how the Cordova Platform (formerly known as PhoneGap — …