BigScreen — Using the JavaScript Full Screen API

BigScreen makes it easy to use full screen on your site or in your app. It smoothes out browser inconsistencies and bugs, especially if the element you’re working with is inside of an <iframe>. It will also intelligently fall back to the older video full screen API if the element contains a <video> and the …

Apple’s Samsung Apology Statement

As court-ordered, the apology message is on the homepage, yet Apple’s pulling some JavaScript magic to keep it below the fold: var HeroResize=AC.Class({initialize:function(b){this._height=null;this._hero=$(b); AC.Object.synthesize(this);this.__boundResizeHero=this.resizeHero.bindAsEventListener(this); if(typeof window.ontouchstart===”undefined”){this.resizeHero();Event.observe(window,”resize”,this.__boundResizeHero) }},setHeight:function(b){this._height=(b


∞ is a UITableView for the web: it speeds up scrolling through long lists and keeps your infinite feeds smooth and stable for your users. It is small, battle-tested, and highly performant. Just compare the demos without ∞.js and with ∞.js, and be amazed UPDATE 2016 Want to use Infinity in production? I’d recommend using …

SlabText — A jQuery Plugin for producing big, bold & responsive headlines

Put simply, the script splits headlines into rows before resizing each row to fill the available horizontal space. The ideal number of characters to set on each row is calculated by dividing the available width by the pixel font-size – the script then uses this ideal character count to split the headline into word combinations …

Animated GIFs the Hard Way

The Sublime Text Website has some nifty animations to show of a few features. Turns out they’re not animated gifs. One of the criteria was that the animations should work everywhere, from IE6 to an iPad. This ruled out two common video options, Flash and the <video> element. Animated GIF files would have been a …

jQuery Stick ‘em

jQuery plugin to mimic the new and upcoming CSS position: sticky; position: sticky is a new way to position elements and is conceptually similar to position: fixed. The difference is that an element with position: sticky behaves like position: relative within its parent, until a given offset threshold is met in the viewport. jQuery Stick’em …