PHP: The Right Way

There’s a lot of outdated information on the Web that leads new PHP users astray, propagating bad practices and bad code. This must stop. PHP: The Right Way is an easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP best practices, accepted coding standards, and links to authoritative tutorials around the Web. A must read! PHP: The Right Way …


Most developers use PHP in a web context and run their code via Apache. The command line interface (CLI) is another approach to run PHP without the overhead of your webserver. This talk not only illustrates the usage of the PHP binary, but also some use cases for which the CLI is the better tool. …

Automatic website publishing with Git, GitHub-Style

One of the things I like about GitHub is the fact that it sports a gh-pages branch. Anything you push to it, is automatically published on your GitHub subdomain Inspired by this GitHub publishing flow, I’ve set up a likewise method on our web servers at work: a branch which gets published automatically onto …

Spoon Template Component

The authors of Spoon, the PHP5 library of my choice, have released a standalone version (née Component) of their powerful template engine. This is the first version of the standalone template component. This is a complete rewrite of the previous version. There are no dependencies with other parts of the 1.3 version of Spoon. Spoon …

Yummy v2.2

A quick mention that I’ve provided Yummy with an update to work with exports made via the new (and broken) Delicious. The update still supports old exports made. Next to breaking stuff like the API, or leaving users with only a few of their links, no longer supporting tag autocompletion, etc. the exported list of …

If PHP were British

When Rasmus Lerdorf first put PHP together, he opted for that bastard dialect of the Queen’s English commonly referred to as “US English”. PHP developers in Britain have been grumpy about this ever since. What was he thinking? And more importantly, how do we undo this travesty? An attempt to adapting the PHP syntax to …