
<h1>{{ pagename|title }}</h1> <ul> {% for author in authors %} <li{% if loop.first%} class="first"{% endif %}> {{ author }} </li> {% else %} <li>There are no authors.</li> {% endfor %} </ul> var template = require(‘swig’); var tmpl = template.compileFile(‘/path/to/template.html’); tmpl.render({ pagename: ‘awesome people’, authors: [‘Paul’, ‘Jim’, ‘Jane’] }); A Node.js and Browser-based JavaScript Template Engine …

Spoon Template Component

The authors of Spoon, the PHP5 library of my choice, have released a standalone version (née Component) of their powerful template engine. This is the first version of the standalone template component. This is a complete rewrite of the previous version. There are no dependencies with other parts of the 1.3 version of Spoon. Spoon …