If you’re looking for an intro on how to deploy your React app to Vercel, Firebase, Netlify, GitHub Pages, Heroku, etc. this page has got you covered. Comes with easy to follow instructions. 10 ways to deploy a React app for free → Related: Here’s my post on how to deploy your first site onto …
Tag Archives: netlify
Netlify Forms – Manage forms and submissions without any server-side code
Wow, this is an awesome addition to Netlify: On Netlify, any HTML form can instantly accept submissions—no backend code or infrastructure required. As soon as your form is deployed, you start seeing submissions appear in your Netlify dashboard. Just add the netlify attribute to any form and everything gets wired up automatically. Netlify will automatically …
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Buiding a JAMstack API with Netlify Functions and Zapier Webhooks
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to set up webhooks by Zapier to send information to a third-party service and how to integrate them into your JAMstack site using Netlify Functions. This combination allows you to quickly and easily create dynamic functionality on your JAMstack site and create services that do things existing APIs …
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Use Netlify as a URL Shortener
The idea is to have a dedicated repo with only a _redirects file in there which you constantly update and push (and thus deploy). To help automate that, Kent C. Dodds create a package named netlify-shortener which does that for you: Generates a short code if one is not provided Validates your URL is a …
A Netlify Serverless Function in one Tweet
Your first serverless function in one tweet: 1. Save this as `functions/my-first-function.js`: exports.handler = async () => ({ statusCode: 200, body: 'boop',}); 2. Deploy to Netlify3. Call it at <your site>/.netlify/functions/my-first-functionhttps://t.co/cRgT9Yxbmy — Netlify (@Netlify) December 20, 2019 This is cgi-bin all over again, right? 💡 Looking to deploy a website to Netlify? You can find …
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Netlify Menubar
Scheduling Deploys with GitHub Actions
Leveraging GitHub Workflows’ Scheduled Events (read: cronjobs that run on GitHub) the folks at De Voorhoede let their static site automatically be rebuilt overnight. They do this because they have some external content, which doesn’t get committed into the repo, included on their site. Static websites don’t update by themselves. In case of code changes …
Deploying multi-source sites to Netlify
Deploying one site (from a single source repo) to Netlify ain’t that hard – see my instructions here – but what if your sources are spread out across multiple repos? How do you combine the data without duplicating it into a monorepo? That’s exactly the problem Spatie was having for their docs.spatie.be: the website holds …
How to deploy your first site onto Netlify (+ basic configuration)
About two months ago I developed the website for vBridge, a new company I’m participating in. As the website consists of only one static placeholder-like page, I decided to look into hosting the page directly onto a CDN. Having heard a lot of good things about Netlify, I decided to check that out. The site …
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