ESNext: Logical Assignment Operators (||=, ??=, &&=)

Update 2020.07.21:

This proposal made it into Stage-4 and will officially be part of ES2021 🥳

💁‍♂️ Stage-4?

The Technical Committee which is concerned with the standardization of ECMAScript (i.e. TC39) has a 5 stage process in place, ranging from stage-0 to stage-4, by which it develops a new language feature.

Stage-4 is the Finished Stage and indicates that the proposal is ready to become part of the ECMAScript Specification.

A new ECMAScript Proposal that I’m looking forward to is Logical Assignment Operators. In short it combines Logical Operators (||, &&, and ??) with Assignment Expressions (=).

// "Or Or Equals" (or, the Mallet operator)
a ||= b;

// "And And Equals"
a &&= b;

// "QQ Equals"
a ??= b;

Basically these operators translate to these actions being performed:

  • ||= will only assign the value of b into a if a is falsy (false, 0, null, etc.).
  • &&= will only assign the value of b into a if a is truthy (true, 1, {}, etc.).
  • ??= will only assign the value of b into a if a is null or undefined.

🤔 Not familiar with that ?? you see there? It’s the Nullish Coalescing Operator which is part of ES2020 and it’s awesome!


These operators will change the way you code, see this before/after example:

// Without Logical Assignment
name = name ?? 'stranger';

// With Logical Assignment
name ??= 'stranger'

Using Logical Assignment Operators will save you to writing an if statement. Additionally it can save a setter execution.

let name = 'bramus';

// Without Logical Assignment: the value of name will *always* be set to (here: to its own value), even though name is not nullish
name = name ?? 'stranger';

// With Logical Assignment: name won't be reassigned as name is not nullish
name ??= 'stranger'


The Logical Assignment Operators proposal is currently Stage-3.

💁‍♂️ Stage-3?

The Technical Committee which is concerned with the standardization of ECMAScript (i.e. TC39) has a 5 stage process in place, ranging from stage-0 to stage-4, by which it develops a new language feature.

Stage-3 is the Candidate Stage where the feature is considered complete and only critical changes will happen based on implementation experience. If all goes well the proposal will advance to Stage 4 without any changes, after which it will to become part of the ECMAScript Specification.

Since it’s Stage-3, we can expect things to look good implementation-wise, which it totally is:

  • Babel: The “Mallet Operator Transformer” got added a long time ago (back when it was still called “6to5”). Nowadays you should use the @babel/plugin-proposal-logical-assignment-operators plugin.
  • Chrome/V8: The feature got added two days ago and will get shipped with V8 v8.4 behind the flag --harmony-logical-assignment
  • Firefox/SpiderMonkey: Version 77 should support it, but I couldn’t get it to work in Firefox Developer Edition (77.0b2). Firefox Nightly (78.0a1) works fine.
  • Safari/JavaScriptCore: Logical Assignment Operators shipped with Safari Technology Preview 105

I don’t expect this proposal to change at all anymore and can see it advancing to Stage-4 at the one of the next TC39 meetings. That way this proposal will most likely become part of ES2021.


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Published by Bramus!

Bramus is a frontend web developer from Belgium, working as a Chrome Developer Relations Engineer at Google. From the moment he discovered view-source at the age of 14 (way back in 1997), he fell in love with the web and has been tinkering with it ever since (more …)

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