ESNext: Import Assertions (JSON Modules, CSS Modules, …)

Did you know you can import JSON and CSS files just like you import JavaScript Modules? Thanks to Import Assertions, it’s as easy as this: Building upon "Import Assertions" we recently saw JSON Modules land in V8/Chromium 91: “`import json from './foo.json' assert { type: 'json' };“` In Chromium 93 the same thing for CSS …

Introducing Federated Modules in Webpack 5

Want to share code dynamically between web applications but don’t want to use libraries or custom Micro-FE frameworks. Check out what’s in store for you with Webpack 5 and how federated modules will fundamentally change how you view web applications. Webpack 5 Module Federation: A game-changer in JavaScript architecture →Webpack 5 and Module Federation – …