An ECMAScript Proposal that recently made it to Stage-3 is array grouping. The proposal brings us the array.groupBy()
and array.groupByToMap()
methods to easily group arrays.
💁♂️ Stage-3?
The Technical Committee which is concerned with the standardization of ECMAScript (i.e. TC39) has a 5 stage process in place, ranging from stage-0 to stage-4, by which it develops a new language feature.
Stage-3 is the Candidate Stage where the feature is considered complete and only critical changes will happen based on implementation experience. If all goes well the proposal will advance to Stage 4 without any changes, after which it will to become part of the ECMAScript Specification.
The Proposal
The proposal offers two methods:
Two methods are offered,
. The first returns a null-prototype object, which allows ergonomic destructuring and prevents accidental collisions with global Object properties. The second returns a regular Map instance, which allows grouping on complex key types.
With these methods you’ll be able to stop using array.reduce()
— a method not everyone likes — to achieve grouping.
Take this array as input:
const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
With array.groupBy
you can create groups using arbitrary keys. The result is an regular JavaScript object:
array.groupBy((num, index, array) => {
return num % 2 === 0 ? 'even': 'odd';
// => { odd: [1, 3, 5], even: [2, 4] }
The array.groupByToMap
method does the same, but it allows you to use complex types (i.e. objects) as keys. The result is a Map
const odd = { odd: true };
const even = { even: true };
array.groupByToMap((num, index, array) => {
return num % 2 === 0 ? even: odd;
// => Map { {odd: true}: [1, 3, 5], {even: true}: [2, 4] }
Engine Support
The methods are currently not supported in any JavaScript Engine. A polyfill is available in the core-js
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