Automatically ignore files and folders in Dropbox with dropboxignore

If you’re using Dropbox and would like to store Git repos in your Dropbox folder, this tool is useful: This CLI shell script aims to take advantage of glob patterns and existing .gitignore files in order to exclude specific folders and files from dropbox sync. Never sync node_modules or vendor to Dropbox again! dropboxignore →

100 Days Of More Or Less Modern CSS

The great Manuel Matuzović: It’s time to get me up to speed with modern CSS. There’s so much new in CSS that I know too little about. To change that I’ve started #100DaysOfMoreOrLessModernCSS. Why more or less modern CSS? Because some topics will be about cutting-edge features, while other stuff has been around for quite …

Convert a Keynote presentation to a set of hi-res images

To create presentations I like to use Keynote, mainly thanks to its animation feature. I admit that it took me some time to get accustomed to it – and that not all is perfect – but I think I’ve become efficient at using it over time. The transitions and animations – such as seen in …

Escaping the sRGB Prison

At the most recent CSS Day, Chris Lilley gave a talk titled “Escaping the sRGB Prison”. Imagine that I told you that you are only allowed to use two-thirds of the colors that your screen can display. All the brightest and most vivid shades are not allowed. Unacceptable, right?! Welcome to Web design for the …

JavaScript: Restart all CSS Animations of an Element

Recently built a demo that demonstrated a specific animation. Only problem: if you missed it, you had no way of restarting it. Instead of forcing the visitor to reload the page, this little JavaScript-snippet – attached to a button click – did the trick: const restartAnimations = ($el) => { $el.getAnimations().forEach((anim) => { anim.cancel();; …