Their missing Mile-High Menus and Magic Corners : Fitts’s Law vs. Apple on Windows

When using software Fitts’s Law is in effect all the time. Microsoft understands the importance of this but Apple apparently doesn’t, at least not on Windows … Fitts’ what now? Fitts’s Law is a model of human movement, predicting the time required to rapidly move from a starting position to a final target area, as …

Our 100th anniversary, JAMbe

This year (work year 2006-2007 that is), all the Scouts all over the world are celebrating the 100th anniversary of Scouting. It was on August 1st, 1907 that Baden Powell blew his blew the South African Kudo horn on the Brownsea Island, opening the first Scouts camp ever. Throughout the year the Belgian Scout Organizations …

My Distractions, the almighty Elsewhere Archive : Update

In the comments on my previous post about the little sidenotes I’m serving here, which I like to call ‘Elsewhere’, my pal Manuel threw in a term I hadn’t seen before (actually I had, but I simply forgot about it): ‘Asides’. Soon my search on Google started and all my questions got answered as you …

My Master Plan : Update

As you might know from the post entitled “My Master Plan” I have become a part time freelancer as of April 1, 2007. Today I have finalized the setup of my reseller account with the webhost that has been hosting for over 3 years by now, after having taken a little test drive over …

My Distractions, the almighty Elsewhere Archive

What most of you don’t know (I can tell this by looking at my FeedBurner stats) is that next to the main RSS Feed (dubbed “ – Days in the Life of a Geezer named Bramus!”) a second feed (dubbed “ – Elsewhere than the Life of a Geezer named Bramus!”) is offered here at …

BRAMUS.IN.SPIRE.US – Bookmarklet to visualizing your’d sites

I myself am a huge fan … the handiness of tagging sites I’ve seen over at work and checking back that list at home just does it for me. Above that it’s darn handy to finding back a site by just typing in some keywords (that flash site with the green background most likely …