Friends and Colleagues know I use the Googlebon (Dutch) every now and then. Today I’ve created the English version of the darn handy thing 😉
Category Archives: Original Content
PS_BRAMUS.TextConvert: PSD2TXT and TXT2PSD for the masses!
What if you could extract all text strings from a PSD file into a TXT file? Sure, it’s possible, thanks to PS_BRAMUS.TextExport, the PSD2TXT script I wrote a few months ago. Now, what if you wanted to do that in the opposite direction and import strings from a TXT file into a PSD file (viz. …
Continue reading “PS_BRAMUS.TextConvert: PSD2TXT and TXT2PSD for the masses!”
: Serialize anything (and not just forms!)
Calling all digital nomads: Switch your mail (and other stuff) to Google Apps … yesterday!
Backdropping jQuery functions into PrototypeJS
One of the functions I use quite regularly when working with jQuery is .attr(). Right now – at work – I’m fiddling around in Prototype, and noticed I kept on writing .attr() which – quite evidently – doesn’t exist. Okay, I can use Prototype’s .readAttribute() and .writeAttribute() but that’s quite a hassle: I want one …
Continue reading “Backdropping jQuery functions into PrototypeJS”
MySQL: Get next AUTO_INCREMENT value from/for table
Note to self: To get the next auto_increment value from a table run this query: SELECT AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = "databaseName" AND TABLE_NAME = "tableName" Don’t forget it (again). Did this help you out? Like what you see?Consider donating. I don’t run ads on my blog nor do I do this for profit. …
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How to style your lists properly
1.3 – Automatically export all Text layers from Photoshop PSD to a Text file (PSD2TXT)
Colleague Johan asked whether someone could knock up a script which exports all text layers from a Photoshop document to a text file (viz. a PSD2TXT tool/script), enabling one to slice even faster than he already can. Last week I released the first version of the script (v 1.2), now it’s time for an update. …
PS_BRAMUS.TextExport 1.2 – Automatically export all Text layers from Photoshop PSD to a Text file
Javascript html_entity_decode
Dirty, but it works 😛 function html_entity_decode(str) { var ta = document.createElement(“textarea”); ta.innerHTML=str.replace(/</g,”<”).replace(/>/g,”>”); toReturn = ta.value; ta = null; return toReturn; } Did this help you out? Like what you see?Consider donating. I don’t run ads on my blog nor do I do this for profit. A donation however would always put a smile on …