My TinyMCE Bugfix

As you might have noticed I have been am using TinyMCE quite intensively throughout most of the projects I create and maintain. Working a lot with such a nice piece of code will undoubtedly bring forward certain limitations and/or bugs. Today I stumbled upon quite a big one (and not only in today’s 2.1.0 release, …

My inc.functions.php – Part 2 : Creating a post slug

In the second part of this series (Click for part 1) another tiny, yet handy PHP function is described. Some of you might already have discovered the power of having a "post slug" in an URI. Not only does a post slug give an indication to the user (he can tell by the URI what …

My Foxification (Pimp Your Firefox to be a web all-star)

With all the fuss about Firebug since its 1.0 beta release some might forget that there are other extensions to pimp your Firefox to be a web all-star … (and above that people seem to be forgetting that this extension has been around for quite a while now)

My inc.functions.php – Part 1 : Fixing those e-mail addresses.

After seeing Shaun’s Fixing the $_FILES superglobal I found myself browsing around in the inc.functions.php file I’ve been using and maintaining project by project. To my own surprise I noticed that the file itself has grown over time and kind of is stuffed with some darn handy functions! Time to spread them out, starting with …