Style Recalculation Secrets They Don’t Want You To Know | Patrick Brosset | CSS Day 2023

This talk by Patrick Brosset is one of my favorite talks from this year’s CSS Day Conference. How do browsers actually recalculate styles when webpages change? Can the way you write CSS impact the speed of the recalculation process? In this talk, we’ll go through the details of how browser engines react to DOM changes …

Scroll-Linked Animations with ScrollTimeline and ViewTimeline

🚨 UPDATE: The Scroll-Linked Animations Specification and its proposed syntax have undergone a major rewrite. The contents of this video are mostly correct, yet some minor things have changed. Please refer to for an article and examples that use the latest version of the syntax. In the latest episode of HTTP 203 I share …

CSS Type Grinding: Casting Tokens (sm|md|etc) into Useful Values (aka Style Queries without Style Queries thanks to @property)

My favorite use case for Style Queries is the ability to change a bunch of styles based on the value of a so called “higher-order variable”. You use that variable as a switch to change a bunch of properties. @container style(–theme: dark) { .card { background: royalblue; border-color: navy; color: white; } .card button { …

Automatically ignore files and folders in Dropbox with dropboxignore

If you’re using Dropbox and would like to store Git repos in your Dropbox folder, this tool is useful: This CLI shell script aims to take advantage of glob patterns and existing .gitignore files in order to exclude specific folders and files from dropbox sync. Never sync node_modules or vendor to Dropbox again! dropboxignore →