Daft Punk – Around The World (In The Classroom with Michel Gondry)

This year, Daft Punk’s Homework turned 25. I was 13 when it was released, and it’s one of the music albums that influenced my musical taste a lot. In this video, Michel Gondry explains how the iconic video clip for “Around the World” is structured. For reference, here’s the (remastered) music video clip. Timeless. Via …

Utopia – Elegantly scale type and space without breakpoints

In addition to my talk “Embrace the Platform” at UX Ghent, James Gilyead and Trys Mudford from Clearleft also joined the meetup with a talk on Utopia. With Utopia you get to define the small- and large-screen layouts. All font sizes in between will be calculated by Utopia. Utopia →Meet Utopia: Designing And Building With …

Container queries, the next step towards a truly modular CSS

At JSWORLD Conference, Maarten van Hoof presented “Container queries, the next step towards a truly modular CSS” Modular, componentized frameworks and libraries are more popular than ever, but currently screen size is the only dimensional constraint to which a web design can adapt to. In this talk, Maarten will explain what Container Queries are and …

Building an Adaptive SVG favicon that responds to Dark Mode

Speaking of favicons: In the latest episode of GUI Challenges, Adam details how to create an adaptive favicon that responds to Dark Mode. SVG Favicons were introduced in Chromium 80 (2019) and Firefox 41 (2015). No support in Safari. Building an adaptive favicon → 🤔 On the WebKit Issue tracker I can find this RESOLVED …

A look at CSS Cascade Layers

Kevin Powell takes a look at Cascade Layers: If you’re new to Cascade Layers and are looking for more resources, here’s a few useful ones: The Future of CSS: Cascade Layers (CSS @layer), by yours truly Getting Started With CSS Cascade Layers, by Stephanie Eckles CSS Cascade Layers in 5 Minutes, by Una Kravets Cascade Layers: …

CSS Cascade Layers in 5 Minutes

In this video, Una digs into Cascade Layers: Quick show and tell on CSS cascade layers and the @layer property, coming to browsers in Chromium 99+ and Firefox 97+, plus they’re in the current Safari Tech Preview. The demo can be found on CodePen: https://codepen.io/web-dot-dev/pen/LYzqPEp Awaiting her post on the subject, you can check out …

Life of a Pixel

Interesting talk from “Chromium University 2020”, digging into Chrome’s Rendering Pipeline. A tour of the internals of Chromium’s rendering architecture, tracing the steps in the pipeline from web content to display pixels. Concretizes high-level concepts with pointers to important classes and data structures in the codebase While the main concepts — such as a Main …