As a side project for Monolog Colored Line Formatter (which int itself also is a side project for Mixed Content Scan) I just published is ANSI PHP.
is a set of classes to working with ANSI Control Functions and ANSI Control Sequences (ANSI Escape Sequences) on text based terminals.
- ANSI Control Functions control an action such as line spacing, paging, or data flow.
- ANSI Control Sequences allow one to clear the screen, move the cursor, set text colors, etc.
When it comes to ANSI Escape Sequences
supports SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) and ED (Erase Display)
- SGR affords one to manipulate text styling (bold, underline, blink, colors, etc.).
- ED allows one to erase the display.
Other Control Sequences – such as moving the cursor – are not (yet) supported.
It differs from other “PHP ANSI Color” attempts by not being limited to SGR only – it can easily be extended to support other ANSI Escape Sequences – and by supporting all SGR parameters.
The library ships with an Ansi
helper class to easily use it.
use \Bramus\Ansi\Ansi;
use \Bramus\Ansi\ControlSequences\EscapeSequences\Enums\SGR;
// Create Ansi Instance
$a = new Ansi();
// Output some styled text on screen, along with a Line Feed and a Bell
echo $a->color(array(SGR::COLOR_FG_RED, SGR::COLOR_BG_WHITE))
->text('My text will be white on a red background and I will be blinking.')
->text('I will be normally styled. Oh, a bell is coming up ...')
Installation is possible via Composer:
composer require bramus/ansi-php ~2.0
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