Prevent content from being hidden underneath a fixed header by using scroll-margin-top

If you’ve ever implemented a design with a fixed header, you’ve surely had this problem: You click a jump link like <a href="#header-3">Jump</a> which links to something like <h3 id="header-3">Header</h3>. That's totally fine, until you have a position: fixed; header at the top of the page obscuring the h3 you're trying to link to! Fixed …

Pure CSS Scroll Shadows (Vertical + Horizontal)

A long time ago (2012!), Lea Verou shared a way on how to add scrolling shadows to containers that needs scrolling. Using those shadows in a scroll container is a great UX thing, as they visually tell the user that the content is scrollable. Her code however, only worked with containers that scroll vertically. Based …

React Native Parallax Scroll Header with Tabs

Nice writeup on how to create a typical screen where there’s a header image that fades out and disappears as you start scrolling. Essentially, everything but the header is put into a scrollview. In order to keep elements ‘fixed’ (i.e. the tab bar), I use the transform property with a translateY that is set to …

Scroll to the future – CSS and JavaScript features that make navigating around a single page smooth, beautiful and less resource-hungry.

Very in-depth article on Evil Martians’ team blog on scrolling: We have scrolled to the bottom of modern web specifications to take you on a whirlwind tour of latest CSS and JavaScript features that make navigating around a single page smooth, beautiful and less resource-hungry. Subjects tackled are styling of scrollbars, position: sticky, IntersectionObserver, Smooth …

Customizing Pull-to-Refresh and Overflow Effects with CSS’ overscroll-behavior

Next to dynamic imports, another feature that landed in Chrome 63 is CSS overscroll-behavior: Scrolling is one of the most fundamental ways to interact with a page, but certain patterns can be tricky to deal with. For example, the browsers pull to refresh feature, where swiping down at the top of the page, does a …

Sticky Sidebar

Sticky Sidebar ⬆⬇ is a pure JavaScript plugin for making smart and high performance sticky sidebar, works with sidebar if it’s taller or shorter than the viewport, integrated with resize sensor to re-calculate the dimensions automatically when the size of sidebar or its container is changed, supports jQuery/Zepto and compatible with Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and …