Fun CSS-only scrolling effects for Matterday

In this post, Lynn Fisher walks us through the parallax scrolling CSS effects featured on the Matterday project. Does not use Scroll-Linked Animations (which is undergoing a spec rewrite) but transform hacks that rely on translateZ() to create a stack and scale() to correct the size again. Fun CSS-only scrolling effects for Matterday →

Atropos — Stunning touch-friendly 3D parallax hover effects

Atropos is a lightweight, free and open-source JavaScript library to create stunning touch-friendly 3D parallax hover effects. Available for JavaScript, React and Vue.js I like that this script is also comes in a VanillaJS version, which shares its core with the React and Vue implementations. Atropos → Related: You could build this with pure CSS …

CSS Sticky Parallax Sections Demo

Nice demo on CodePen by Ryan Mulligan, featuring some sections with a sticky parallax background image: See the Pen CSS Sticky Parallax Sections by Ryan Mulligan (@hexagoncircle) on CodePen. I expected to find the the translateZ() + scale() method to create the parallax layers in there, but turns out Ryan took another approach: Scale down …

3D Ken Burns Effect from a Single Image

Nice research by Simon Niklaus, Long Mai, Jimei Yang and Feng Liu: In this paper, we introduce a framework that synthesizes the 3D Ken Burns effect from a single image, supporting both a fully automatic mode and an interactive mode with the user controlling the camera. Our framework first leverages a depth prediction pipeline, which …

React Native Parallax Scroll Header with Tabs

Nice writeup on how to create a typical screen where there’s a header image that fades out and disappears as you start scrolling. Essentially, everything but the header is put into a scrollview. In order to keep elements ‘fixed’ (i.e. the tab bar), I use the transform property with a translateY that is set to …

Tilt.js – A tiny parallax tilt effect for jQuery

A tiny requestAnimationFrame powered 60+fps lightweight parallax hover tilt effect for jQuery. Might come in handy for a quick project. Also love the fact that it’s highly customizable: maxTilt: 20, perspective: 1000, // Transform perspective, the lower the more extreme the tilt gets. easing: “cubic-bezier(.03,.98,.52,.99)”, // Easing on enter/exit. scale: 1, // 2 = 200%, …

Multi-layered Parallax Illustration

See the Pen Multi-layered Parallax Illustration by Patryk Zabielski (@zabielski) on CodePen. Good use of data-* attributes to afford manipulation of the shifting of the backgrounds from within the HTML. Do note that the demo won’t run here on as the narrow screen layout – without parallax – will be used. Multi-layered Parallax Illustration …