Going Serverless with Google Cloud Run (JSConf.be)

Back in June I was invited to speak at JSConf.be. This year’s edition focused on DevSecOps and Security. My talk “Going Serverless with Google Cloud Run” — which I have brought forward before at Full Stack Ghent and PHP-WVL — was a perfect match for it. Cloud Run is a fully managed compute platform by …

ESNext: Proposals to look forward to (ESNEXT Conf)

Happening right now is ESNEXT Conf a fully remote conference exploring the future of JavaScript and the web. When I saw the CFP float by, it sounded like a perfect match for my talk “ESNext: Proposals to look forward to”. Thankfully the organisers – Fred and Drew from Pika – also felt that ways and …

JavaScript Yellow

Back in November I was invited to speak at Full Stack Europe 2019. At the conference I was scheduled to do a pre-conference workshop on React and a lightning talk named “JavaScript Yellow” — a talk I first presented at Frontend United back in 2018. Last week the video got released: References: javascript-yellow Robustness and …