Essential Image Optimization

Essential Image Optimization is an free and online eBook by Addy Osmani: Images take up massive amounts of internet bandwidth because they often have large file sizes. According to the HTTP Archive, 60% of the data transferred to fetch a web page is images composed of JPEGs, PNGs and GIFs. As of July 2017, images …

gpu.js – GPU Accelerated JavaScript

Amazing: gpu.js is a JavaScript library for GPGPU (General purpose computing on GPUs) in the browser. gpu.js will automatically compile specially written JavaScript functions into shader language and run them on the GPU using the WebGL API. In case WebGL is not available, the functions will still run in regular JavaScript. Only a subset of …

Detect unnecessary renders in React with why-did-you-update

why-did-you-update is a library that hooks into React and detects potentially unnecessary component renders. It detects when a component’s render method is called despite its props their values are the same. Installation per npm, of course: npm install –save-dev why-did-you-update No need to adjust all your components either, why-did-you-update works by patching React itself: import …

45% Faster React Stateless (Functional) Components

When using Stateless Components throughout your React app, the lifecycle events (componentWillMount, componentDidMount, etc.) are still executed. Developer Philippe Lehoux found a way to bypass these, resulting in a 45% speed improvement: What if we could skip React internals for these components? Instead of mounting them as components, let’s just call them as what they …

Efficiently render large lists and tabular data with react-virtualized

Just like Infinity.js, but then for React. The list is windowed (or “virtualized”) meaning that only the visible rows are rendered. Less DOM nodes = better performance 🙂 Also works with rows that have different heights, something not quite common for this kind of thing. react-virtualized →

Understanding the Critical Rendering Path

When a browser receives the HTML response for a page from the server, there are a lot of steps to be taken before pixels are drawn on the screen. This sequence the browsers needs to run through for the initial paint of the page is called the “Critical Rendering Path”. Good and short writeup on …

JavaScript Start-up Performance

As web developers, we know how easy it is to end up with web page bloat. But loading a webpage is much more than shipping bytes down the wire. Once the browser has downloaded our page’s scripts it then has to parse, interpret & run them. In this post, we’ll dive into this phase for …

Marky, a high-resolution JavaScript timer

Marky, by Nolan Lawson: JavaScript timer based on performance.mark() and performance.measure(), providing high-resolution timings as well as nice Dev Tools visualizations. For browsers that don’t support performance.mark(), it falls back to or In Node, it uses process.hrtime(). The greatest win to me is the visualization in the Dev Tools timeline. After installing it …

10 things I learned making the fastest site in the world

Great writeup by David Gilbertson on creating this super fast loading website. Try not to make a slow site Do mobile first. Like, really do it. Be a benchmark hussy Client Side Rendering is expensive Don’t server-render HTML Inline stuff, probably Preload, then load Reward good behaviour Service workers: like me in high school (cool …