Draft your next release notes as pull requests are merged into master with Release Drafter

Now this looks handy: a GitHub action that builds release notes for you: As pull requests are merged, a draft release is kept up-to-date listing the changes, ready to publish when you’re ready You configure the release notes contents using a .github/release-drafter.yml file in your repo: template: | ## What’s Changed $CHANGES More advanced templates …

Getting started with GitHub Actions and Laravel (~PHP)

Ruben Van Assche from Spatie: When GitHub released its new product: GitHub Actions a whole new world opened for developers. Let’s dive right in and see what it brings for the Laravel community. In How to set up PHP for use in a GitHub Action I’ve layed out how to use shivammathur/setup-php@v1 in GitHub Actions. …

How to set up PHP for use in a GitHub Action

To use PHP in a GitHub action there’s the magnificent setup-php action. It also allows for installing extensions and setting several php.ini directives. steps: – name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v1 – name: Setup PHP uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v1 with: php-version: '7.4' extensions: mbstring, intl #optional, setup extensions ini-values: post_max_size=256M, short_open_tag=On #optional, setup php.ini configuration coverage: xdebug #optional, setup …

Use a Github repository branch or commit as a dependency in package.json

Recently I needed to test a branch of a forked GitHub repository inside a project. Instead of cloning the fork and symlinking the package locally, I installed the remote dependency directly into the project. To achieve I used the following command: Using NPM: npm install git@github.com:user/repo.git#branchname or npm install git+ssh://git@github.com:user/repo.git#branchname Using Yarn: yarn add ssh://git@github.com:user/repo.git#branchname …

GitHub CI Workflow for PHP applications

Mattias Geniar has shared his GitHub Workflow to make GitHub do the CI work for PHP applications: on: push name: Run phpunit testsuite jobs: phpunit: runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: image: mattiasgeniar/php73 steps: – uses: actions/checkout@v1 with: fetch-depth: 1 – name: Install composer dependencies run: | composer install –prefer-dist –no-scripts -q -o; – name: Prepare Laravel Application …

Run prettier or php-cs-fixer with GitHub Actions

Stefan Zweifel shares his GitHub Actions Workflows to run prettier and php-cs-fixer on his repos: Over the past few weeks I’ve added a handful of workflows to my projects. One workflow is really like, is to run prettier and php-cs-fixer to automatically format my code and commit the fixed files back to the repository. Here’s …

Scheduling Deploys with GitHub Actions

Leveraging GitHub Workflows’ Scheduled Events (read: cronjobs that run on GitHub) the folks at De Voorhoede let their static site automatically be rebuilt overnight. They do this because they have some external content, which doesn’t get committed into the repo, included on their site. Static websites don’t update by themselves. In case of code changes …

Automatically compress images to your Pull Requests with this GitHub Action

The folks at Calibre have release a GitHub Action named “Image Actions” and I must say, it looks amazing insane: Image actions will automatically compress jpeg and png images in GitHub Pull Requests. Compression is fast, efficient and lossless Uses mozjpeg + libvips, the best image compression available Runs in GitHub Actions, so it’s visible …

Automatic GitHub Changelog Generator

If your code/project always uses Pull Requests to add/fix stuff in your code (e.g. no direct commits on master), then Changelog Generator will come in handy. It’s a CLI tool (written in PHP) that automatically fetches all closed PRs and Issues between the targetted and the previously tagged release. Installation is possible using Composer: $ …