RemoteDebug, an initiative to unify remote debugging across browsers

What if it was possible to use Chrome DevTools to debug Firefox, or use Firefox DevTools to debug Chrome? … The open web follows standards. Our tools should too. RemoteDebug, an initiative to unify remote debugging across browsers → Related: Sublime Web Inspector →

SlimerJS — A scriptable browser for Web developers

SlimerJS allows you to interact with a web page through an external JS script. It is useful to do functional tests, page automation, network monitoring, screen capture, etc. webpage .open(url) // loads a page .then(function(){ // executed after loading // store a screenshot of the page webpage.viewportSize = { width:650, height:320 }; webpage.render(‘page.png’, {onlyViewport:true}); // …

My Foxification (Pimp Your Firefox to be a web all-star)

With all the fuss about Firebug since its 1.0 beta release some might forget that there are other extensions to pimp your Firefox to be a web all-star … (and above that people seem to be forgetting that this extension has been around for quite a while now)