Introducing Flutter, Google’s new Mobile UI Framework

Recently Google announced Flutter, their mobile UI framework that “helps developers craft high-quality native interfaces for both iOS and Android”. Flutter targets the sweet spot of mobile development: performance and platform integrations of native mobile, with high-velocity development and multi-platform reach of portable UI toolkits. Here’s a simple Hello World app: import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; void main() …

Jasonette – Build cross-platform mobile apps using JSON

Just like how web browsers turn HTML into a web page, Jasonette turns JSON into iOS native components. This lets you build native apps by writing a simple JSON. Here’s a small snippet/example: { “$jason”: { “head”: { “title”: “{ ˃̵̑ᴥ˂̵̑}”, “offline”: “true”, “actions”: { “$foreground”: { “type”: “$reload” }, “$pull”: { “type”: “$reload” } …

Electron – Build cross platform desktop apps with web technologies

var app = require(‘app’); // Module to control application life. var BrowserWindow = require(‘browser-window’); // Module to create native browser window. // Report crashes to our server. require(‘crash-reporter’).start(); // Keep a global reference of the window object, if you don’t, the window will // be closed automatically when the javascript object is GCed. var mainWindow …

We’re not ‘appy. Not ‘appy at all.

The British Government Digital Service (a new team within Cabinet Office, which in its turn supports the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister) is totally getting it: Stand-alone mobile apps will only be considered once the core web service works well on mobile devices, and if specifically agreed with the Cabinet Office. Above that: Apps …