Just finished through the list of new posts on Digg and some people just keep surprising me (in the not cool kind of way)
- A claim that Microsoft is using Mac OS X really is world news and a real scandal … NOT! (scroll down in the comments to see screenshots since Microsoft has adjusted the page)
- A format c: tag in a public bathroom is hilarious indeed … NOT!
- Posting something on the build-mania in Dubai is really frickin awesome only if it has not been posted before (and this applies to many many other stories – a solution to this problem has been suggested though: define alternate sources)
- Apparently you just have to add the term Ajax to the title to make the item hot. However Scriptactulous is NOT about Ajax, it’s about DOM scripting (and making your life easier)! Above that the article only holds content that has been written way before (referring to any article about scriptaculous whenever it got released for the very first time). News about the beta2 release of the 1.7.0 build (with a more relevant and interesting description) does not appear to get dugg, due to the lack of Ajax in the title I presume.
- Microsoft and
AcerAMD send out $4000 laptops with Vista on them for free and people start complaining and even bomb it into a scandal. Yow dudes, just format the darn thing if you don’t like it (and don’t do the review). Besides, why are you complaining? It’s a frickin’ nice piece of hardware you’ve got there. Don’t think you would complain if Apple were to send you a MacBook Pro to review?! Touché, I do think so!?! - …
These examples here just prove how stupid (or whatever term you think fits in here) people tend to be nowadays: duplicate content (Aah, so that’s why there are 2 g’s in digg!), lame content, exaggerated content, rewritten content (those I hate the most!), etc.
And no, this ain’t no attack (double negative) on the social-news-whatever-scene, it’s just an observation I have made. I like Digg, but just not half of the content that’s on it (the other half of the content I filter and then only digg what really is left to digg).