Static Map Maker is a tool to easily create static map images from services such as Google Maps, Bing Maps, CartoDB, MapBox, etc. Just type in the location, flip some switches, and get the URL you need. Static Map Maker →
Tag Archives: mapping
Pokemon Locator Apps
With the launch of Pokémon Go, a truckload of Pokémon locator apps/websites have appeared. Fons Van Damme (not related) created Pokemon Locator. And then there’s the more powerful Pokévision (pictured above): Pokevision is a Pokemon tracker/locator for the mobile game Pokemon Go. It uses the Niantic API to grab the location of all Pokemon near …
Transit Maps: Apple vs. Google vs. Transit App
The folks who created Transit App, which sports very nice transit maps: We wanted the prettiness of Apple’s slow solution, but the scalability of Google’s automatic process. In short, we wanted algorithms to draw beautiful transit maps. It’s in the details, people! Transit Maps: Apple vs. Google vs. Transit App →
Manhattanhenge, New York City’s coolest sunset of the year
A few days ago the sunset in Manhattan was perfectly aligned with the east–west streets of its main street grid: The phenomenon happens only twice a year, in May and July. The nickname, coined by Neil DeGrasse Tyson, an astrophysicist and head of the Hayden Planetarium, is a reference to England’s Stonehenge. At Stonehenge, once …
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Game of Thrones: Journeys made in Season 6
The folks at The Verge: In Game of Thrones, movement is life. If you linger too long in the Sept of Baelor, for instance, chances are you won’t be around long enough for afternoon prayer. That’s why many of the characters in Westeros are constantly in transit, traversing from the North to the Riverlands or …
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La Latina Map
Nice work by relajaelcoco: La Latina Map and Pocket Guide is a full colour illustrated project realized in collaboration with Walk with me, a smart company. The idea was to represent the essence of a sunny Sunday in La Latina borough in Madrid, outlining all the hidden and interesting corners. La Latina Map →
How Art Can Transform The Internet
Maybe the aesthetic value of internet art is measured by its ability to help us see the internet, just as as a novel can help us see language. I really like the mentioned “rainbow effect” which we can see in satellite images, as it gives us an insight in how exactly satellite imagery works (which …
Fall Foliage Prediction Map
The Jefferson Grid
The aforementioned Sad Topographies reminded me of The Jefferson Grid, an Instagram account curating a list of areal photos depicting a grid with cells the size of one square mile each, spread throughout the United States. Looking from the window seat on a long plane flight, you might have noticed that large swaths of the …