Everything Easy is Hard Again

Frank Chimero was out of the loop for 3 years when it comes to developing websites. Coming back he was put off by the complexity of how things have gotten. Take layouting for example, where we went from tables to floats to flexbox to grid layout. [With Grid Layout] I’m reminded of the table layouts …

The Difference Between a Professional and an Amateur Programmer

Mike Cohn: The professional programmer brings his or her full brain, experience and creativity to the job. When asked to develop a feature, the professional thinks about it: Are there gaps in what was asked for? Are there alternative and better solutions? Will it lead to later problems? And then the professional has conversations with …

Basecamp Employee Handbook

For over 10 years, we didn’t have a handbook. In those 10 years, when a new person joined the company, they were expected to figure things out for themselves. But when we grew from a company of 10, 20, 30 employees to a company of over 50, our “introduction by immersion” style stopped working. New …

Nobody knows what the fuck they’re doing.

Max Stoiber, on determining if you’re qualified or not for a specific (frontend) job listing: If you’ve built a side project with React.js and know your way around JavaScript in general, you’re at least as qualified as 90% of all other devs out there. I’ll tell you a secret: Nobody knows what the fuck they’re …

10 Career Mistakes I Wish I Had Never Made

Darius Foroux: In the last decade, I went from student to entrepreneur to freelancer to climbing the corporate ladder to blogger to teacher. Yes, that’s not a normal career path, and it’s also not what I ever expected. But life hardly turns out the way you expect. That’s because we’re only human. And humans make …