Jason Fried, CEO of Basecamp, in an interview, answering a question on how his workspace is set up:
I’m a one-computer guy—a 12″ MacBook, so I can work from anywhere. Years ago I used multiple monitors and had multiple computers. Then I jettisoned multiple computers but kept the multiple monitor setup. And a few years ago I tossed out the second monitor and have been a single computer, single screen person since then. I go full screen on nearly every app. I also hide my dock. I don’t want anything pulling my attention away. When I’m curious I’ll look. Otherwise, I’m looking at what I want, not what someone else might want me to see.
Protect your attention like you protect your friends, family, money, etc. It’s among the most valuable things you have.
Being a unitasker (1 window, maximized) myself (yet with two screens): yes!
Also: who needs notifications?