
Yesterday, apart from revealing a $999 monitor stand, Apple announced SwiftUI which got me quite excited. SwiftUI is an innovative, exceptionally simple way to build user interfaces across all Apple platforms with the power of Swift. Build user interfaces for any Apple device using just one set of tools and APIs. With a declarative Swift …

PanelKit 2.0

Version 2.0 of the aforementioned PanelKit. PanelKit is a UI framework that enables panels on iOS. A panel can be presented in the following ways: Modally As a popover Floating (drag the panel around) Pinned (either left or right) This framework does all the heavy lifting for dragging panels, pinning them and even moving/resizing them …

NYSKeyboardHelper – A helper for all your iOS keyboard needs

Matthias Nys, a former student of mine, has released his first pod NYSKeyboardHelper, a helper which resizes a scrollview so that it doesn’t go under the keyboard. Add a constraint to your project’s Storyboard and set NYSKeyboardHelper as the custom class, or add it programmatically: let keyboardConstraint = NYSKeyboardHelper(item: self.view, attribute: .bottom, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: …

Vapor – Server Side Swift

Interesting to see that Swift can also be used as a serverside language. One can clearly see parallels with other languages and frameworks. For example Vapor comes with an HTTP Package, which – amongst other things – contains a Request class. // http://vapor.codes/example?query=hi#fragments-too let scheme = request.uri.scheme // http let host = request.uri.host // vapor.codes …

Mission Control – Remote Config Utility for iOS, OSX, …

Have you ever wished you could change some config parameter for your app without deploying a new version? Of course you have! Wouldn’t it be great if you had whole config for your app in the cloud and change it as you see fit? Of course it would! Well, go ahead, just put some config …


Like JockeyJS, written in Swift, and with support for WKWebView: A bridge for WebView(UIWebView, WKWebView), using JavaScriptCore, handles communications between native(Swift) and js. Example usage (call native function from JS): // XCode override func viewDidLoad() { // … let webView = WKWebView() let bridge = ZHWebViewBridge.bridge(webview) bridge.registerHandler(“Video.Play”) { (args:[AnyObject]) -> (Bool, [AnyObject]?) in self.player.play() return …