WarSting: A Wi-Fi scanning sword for Hobbits.

To celebrate the launch of the new Hobbit flick, we made a version of Sting that turns blue near unsecured Wi-Fi networks. And when you slash the sword, Sting will jump on the network, and publish a message: “{YOUR WI-FI NETWORK} has been vanquished!” Instructables included, source on GitHub. WarSting: A Wi-Fi scanning sword for …

So it begins.

Megaupload Taken Down On Piracy Allegations → Anonymous Attacks Justice Dept as FBI Shuts Down File-Sharing Site → Worth noting: the takedown of MegaUpload is not the result of SOPA (which is back off the shelf), as SOPA hasn’t been approved yet (and hopefully never will — which could be the case as supporters of …