HTML5’s time element just got zapped

It’s with great sadness that I inform you that the HTML5 <time> element has been dropped, and replaced by a more generic – and thus less useful – <data> element. The pubdate attribute has been dropped completely, so there is now no simple way to indicate the publication date of a work. Goodbye HTML5 <time>, …

Opening Titles for Web Directions South 2011

This is rather crazy, especially if you know how it’s done: The opening titles for WDS11 were designed to test the graphical capabilities of modern web browsers. Using HTML, CSS3, WebGL and Canvas, I created a 2-screen production that required 2 laptops that were carefully synced to 2 projectors. Yes, that’s right: 2 separate browsers, …

HTML5 For Web Designers

Jeremy Keith, author of HTML5 For Web Designers (A Book Apart #1): It’s been a year and a half now since HTML5 For Web Designers was released and I figured it was about time that it should be published in its natural format: HTML. Very solid resource; Highly recommended. And freely available online. HTML5 For …

Fullscreen HTML5 video

HTML5 video has come a long way but still lacks consistent codec support and the ability to go fullscreen, until now of course. Webkit nightly, Chrome dev and Firefox nightly have added the ability to put HTML5 videos, and other elements, into fullscreen mode using The FullScreen API Interesting write-up on how to use the …