Fun with face detection, canvas and webcam video

With the getUser­Me­dia API, a video ele­ment, a can­vas ele­ment and LiuLiu’s excel­lent face detec­tion algo­rithm, we can eas­ily play around with web­cam video data in the browser, plug-in free. Mask over­lay experiment: Scaling content experiment: Cool! Fun with face detection, canvas and webcam video → Related: getUserMedia Moustache (via

Face Detection on OS X and iOS

Recently I realized that Apple added support for face detection in OS X Lion and iOS 5. Apple’s face detection is exposed through Core Image, the super-useful image manipulation library. Two classes are important: CIDetector and CIFeature (along with its subclass, CIFaceFeature). With a little experimenting one night, I was able to get a sample …

Facial recognition tech estimates customers gender, age and how often they visit

NEC has developed a marketing service that utilizes facial recognition technology to estimates the age and gender of customers, and accumulates the data, along with the dates and times that customers visit stores. This data is then used to analyze trends in customer behavior and visit frequency. This scene from Minority Report isn’t that far …

getUserMedia Moustache

This demo uses getUserMedia (formerly known as HTML5 <device>) to get data from a device camera, then copies it into HTML5 <canvas> in order to analyse the pixel data. It then peforms facial recognition in order to superimpose a marvellous magical moustache. Special Opera Developer Build required. Magical getUserMedia moustache → Opera getUserMedia Labs Build …